Crown Lengthening in Middlebury, VT

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What is Crown Lengthening?

Dentist Dr. Brian Saltzman performs crown lengthening to enhance the overall look and health of his patients' smiles. Crown lengthening can be a confusing term to some because it sounds like it involves adding material to the tooth. A more precise term might be crown exposure since gum tissue is excised to show more of the enamel. You might want crown lengthening for aesthetic reasons if you want to improve a "gummy" smile. It may also be performed if not enough of your enamel is visible to support a dental crown, filling, or other restoration. To get more information, schedule a consultation at Lincoln Peak Dental in Middlebury, VT.

Can I Get Crown Lengthening?

Candidates for crown lengthening are in good overall health, especially in terms of the gums. Conditions like periodontal (gum) disease might have to be addressed before crown lengthening can be performed. Most frequently, crown lengthening is done for cosmetic reasons to correct a "gummy" smile. In such instances, excessive gum tissue can be removed to balance the ratio of visible enamel to gums and offer you an even gumline. For other patients, crown lengthening may also be required to perform a dental restoration. Dr. Saltzman might need to reveal more of the tooth to be able to place a filling, crown, or bridge. At a dental examination, he can help you determine if crown lengthening will help you reach your oral goals.

What Can I Expect From Crown Lengthening?

To begin your procedure, a local anesthetic is used to numb the needed regions to reduce pain and discomfort. You can discuss other sedation options with Dr. Saltzman at your consultation to help keep you comfortable and calm throughout the procedure. When your mouth is ready, the gum tissue is removed in small slivers to slowly show more of the enamel and your gumline will be sculpted for an even look. As soon as Dr. Saltzman has finished the crown lengthening process, he will close the gum tissue and rinse your mouth.

What is Recovering From Crown Lengthening Like?

Following your treatment, your gums might be sore and swollen. Cold compresses and over-the-counter pain relievers can be used to minimize your discomfort, but Dr. Saltzman may write a prescription for antibiotics and/or pain medication. It can be helpful to adhere to a soft food or liquid diet for several days while your mouth heals. You ought to keep your mouth clean at home with soft brushing and mouthwash, but avoid dental floss. In some cases, you might need to make a follow-up appointment at Lincoln Peak Dental to monitor your recovery. Dr. Saltzman will also always assess your gums at your yearly dental exam.

Is Crown Lengthening in Middlebury, VT Covered By Insurance?

The cost for a crown lengthening procedure will differ based on why it is being performed. Dental insurance providers might cover a portion of the expense in certain situations, but in others, they might not. In any event, our financial team will get in touch with your insurer to determine what your out-of-pocket expenses will be prior to discussing your options for payment. If you do not have insurance, Dr. Saltzman can help estimate your costs in your consultation and also give you more info on low-interest financing that can help make your dental treatments easier to afford.

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Crown Lengthening for A Customized Smile

Whether you want to improve your smile or oral health, crown lengthening at Lincoln Peak Dental may help. By removing gum tissue, you're able to enhance the appearance of a "gummy" smile or prepare your teeth for a dental restoration. Schedule a consultation with dentist Dr. Brian Saltzman to decide if you are a candidate for cosmetic or restorative crown lengthening treatments at Lincoln Peak Dental in Middlebury, VT.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.